Joe Content builds websites that work.

Don’t fail before you get started
Good website content is king. You already know that your visitors enjoy a fresh, well-written article or page. What you may not realize is that Google loves it too. No, they don’t actually come to your site and read it, not really. What they do is score for content vs. context, and employ syntax and prose scoring via their algorithms. Well-constructed, dynamic content delivers on all those points.
Choosing the right theme and plugins to do the heavy lifting for your site is just as important. Many developers don’t stop to consider that poorly written code can change the way that Google will score and rank your site. When you are building a website, there are a number of things that can affect your ranking chances before you’re even out of the gate: style sheets (css), layout and other visuals are just a few of these.

Every aspect must be considered
Content and User Experience
Joe Content knows Google and what they look for. We also know what makes a good-looking and functional website, and how to make the two work hand in hand–without breaking your budget. We know the methods to make a site more interactive, and how to drive the visitors your business needs. Above all, we know that it’s your website, Ultimately you and your visitors have to enjoy using it, and be comfortable with its look, flow and interactivity.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
All websites we create include utilities that help you improve your visibility on Google search. We don’t just provide the utility, we show you how to make best use of it. Of course, if you don’t have time or just can’t be bothered with it, we offer services and consultation based on your unique requirements.
If you are considering a new web site or want to rebuild the one you have, call us anytime at (415) 706-2394, or simply use the contact form on the right.